Vibration testing bangalore , Vibration analysis bangalore ,Ground vibration  bangalore , Structural vibration bangalore , Noise analysis bangalore , Dynamic balancing bangalore , Condition monitoring bangalore , Room acoustics bangalore ,Vibration testing india, Vibration analysis india, Ground vibration  india, Structural vibration india, Noise analysis india, Dynamic balancing india, Condition monitoring india, Room acoustics india ,Vibration testing , Vibration analysis,Ground vibration , Structural vibration , Noise analysis,Dynamic balancing , Condition monitoring , Room acoustics

Project Description

NV Dynamics was retained to undertake vibration assessments on a 160m long pedestrian walkway bridge within a prominent IT city in the southern part of India. The objective of the task was to investigate reported low-frequency oscillations experienced by pedestrians while walking on the bridge, which caused discomfort.

A good number of tests were conducted to get a better understanding of the cause behind the oscillations and also to find ways to stop the same. At first, the existing ambient vibrations were measured at multiple locations along the boardwalk; external vibration sources like the nearby construction activities were halted and vehicular traffic were diverted. Further, to obtain the natural frequencies, skew movements and vibration transmission efficiency in the slabs, a calibrated mass of 10kg - gym medicine rubber ball was dropped on the pedestrian bridge slabs.

Furthermore, human movement simulations, including both synchronized and non-synchronized crossings, were conducted to replicate real-life scenarios and to assess the structure's response to varying loads. Additionally, the structural support column’s natural frequencies were also examined to understand their contribution to boardwalk oscillations.

NV Dynamics executed a detailed assessment campaign involving controlled testing conditions and analysis to provide feasible recommendations aimed at enhancing the structural integrity and user comfort of the boardwalk.