Bengaluru International Airport Limited (BIAL) hired NV Dynamics to address the issue of noise generated by the Baggage Handling System (BHS), situated directly above the immigration hall of Terminal 2.The noise generated by the BHS motors—positioned directly above the immigration hall has raised ambient noise levels of the hall, causing discomfort for both immigration officers and arriving passengers. The BIAL team initiated a query to reduce this noise. After initial noise measurements at both BHS area and immigration area, it was decided that a noise enclosure box will be installed for each of these motors.
Precise measurements of each noise enclosure box are documented. Based on these measurements, acoustic boxes are designed, fabricated and deployed to the site. These boxes are designed by considering the heating issue of the motor-gearbox system where proper ventilation is provided to facilitate the required air flow. The inner surface of the box is lined with special acoustic material having best in class fire rating of ASTM E84, which provides excellent sound absorption. Thirty such boxes are deployed resulting in considerable reduction in noise.