Vibration testing bangalore , Vibration analysis bangalore ,Ground vibration  bangalore , Structural vibration bangalore , Noise analysis bangalore , Dynamic balancing bangalore , Condition monitoring bangalore , Room acoustics bangalore ,Vibration testing india, Vibration analysis india, Ground vibration  india, Structural vibration india, Noise analysis india, Dynamic balancing india, Condition monitoring india, Room acoustics india ,Vibration testing , Vibration analysis,Ground vibration , Structural vibration , Noise analysis,Dynamic balancing , Condition monitoring , Room acoustics

Project Description

Shankaranarayana Constructions Private Limited engaged NV Dynamics for an assessment of vibration severity levels arising from the active metro construction, particularly the pile rig operations. The primary goal was to gain a comprehensive understanding of the potential impact of vibrations on the structural quality and integrity of nearby buildings in consideration of the ongoing construction activity. This evaluation aims to ensure the safety and stability of the existing structures in the vicinity.

For this entire task, ultra-low frequency vibration transducers (seismic grade) were used; these were coupled to the ground in both vertical and horizontal direction at four identified locations. The transducers were connected to multichannel data acquisition systems and configured to record the vibration acceleration data throughout the task.

The data was processed, ground borne vibration levels were computed using sophisticated software and simulation methods. After processing, DIN standard was used as reference for the present task for evaluating the extent of acceptable vibration due to site activities.