Vibration testing bangalore , Vibration analysis bangalore ,Ground vibration  bangalore , Structural vibration bangalore , Noise analysis bangalore , Dynamic balancing bangalore , Condition monitoring bangalore , Room acoustics bangalore ,Vibration testing india, Vibration analysis india, Ground vibration  india, Structural vibration india, Noise analysis india, Dynamic balancing india, Condition monitoring india, Room acoustics india ,Vibration testing , Vibration analysis,Ground vibration , Structural vibration , Noise analysis,Dynamic balancing , Condition monitoring , Room acoustics

Project Description

NESTLED HAVEN DEVELOPERS LLP hired NV Dynamics to assess the vibration produced by their construction activity like piling operations, deep excavation, shoring etc and to evaluate its effect on the structural integrity of the Woodlands hotel located adjacent to the construction site.

Seismic grade accelerometers were used at multiple locations along the perimeter of the compound wall of the hotel to assess the vibration impacts from construction activities. In addition to these tests, soil transmissibility assessments were also carried out using calibrated weight drop test at a set distance from the hotel compound wall.

The data was processed as per DIN 4150-3 standard to determine the limiting values and to evaluate whether the vibrations have any effect on the building. Using the combined approach of site testing and vibration modelling with peak particle velocity values of construction equipment, the expected vibration zone of influence and severity of vibration impacts were determined.

Based on the predicted vibration amplitudes and zone of influence, long term IoT based vibration monitors have been configured at designated locations on the compound wall to continuously monitor the construction vibration activities. If the vibration value due to construction activities exceeds the pre-defined value, notifications are being actively sent to all the key stakeholders on the project.